At United Way, we believe a safe and healthy community is one that supports individual health, where everyone can live free of violence and abuse, where opportunities for physical activity and nutritious food are accessible, and where people of all ages have health care services including prescription assistance.
Safe & Healthy Community Council volunteers recently focused on mental health issues to help individuals, families, and youth connect to available resources and to expand peer supports for people living with mental illness. |
PROVIDING ACCESS TO BASIC HEALTH CAREUnited Way is dedicated to supporting agencies who provide health care & preventative care for uninsured, low income, and youth.
KEEPING SENIORS SAFE & INDEPENDENTBecause United Way of Mid Coast Maine believes older adults should be able to live safe, independent, and enriching lives, we support programs that provide companionship, transportation, and respite care.
PREVENTING VIOLENCE & ABUSEUnited Way is dedicated to preventing domestic violence in Mid Coast Maine and providing support for victims through agencies that provide legal services, mental health support, and advocate on behalf of victims.